Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Ocean currents

A Current is the motion of water. The currents in the ocean can be divided into two main types. The upper km of the ocean is governed by the wind whereas the deeper parts of the ocean are affected by mixing of deeper currents to create water with varying density.

Surface currents:

They make up 10% of all the oceans water and is controlled by the wind. The surface currents are dominated by Gyres. So what are Gyres.....

Gyres are, in the simplest of terms, a large system of rotating ocean currents. They are caused by the wind blowing on the water pushing it in a direction. When the coriolis force pushes against the wind direction gyres form from this rotational pattern.

There are 5 major Gyres:

Indian Ocean Gyre
North Atlantic Gyre
North Pacific Gyre
South Atlantic Gyre
South Pacific Gyre

All of the major gyres can be seen in the map above. A lot of the research i have done on this topic has unearthed a large quantity of environmental studies in ocean pollution. The predominat topic are the major garbage patches which have formed in the oceans, this will be covered in my next blog post.

Deep Ocean currents:

These ocean currents make up 90% of the oceans water and mainly determined by water density.

The Thermohaline Circulation

This is a density driven current which involves an overturning of water to create different density pockets with varying temperaratures. This circulation moves warm water polewards where it is then converted into cold water which sinks and flows down towards the equator.

The two main interconnected processes are:

1) Deep convection
2) Upwelling through the rest of the ocean to bring the cold water back to the surface

Why is the conveyor belt so important?

The Thermohaline circulation has a major impact on the global climate. The circulation is the main supplier of heat to the polar regions and thus controls the levels of ice in this area. This is so vital as any slight changes in global temperatures are known to have a dramatic effect on sea levels rising due to melting areas of ice.

Although it is not known for certain the level the THC affects global climate, it is believed to affect the radiation budget and alongside this largely influence levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

This falls into the climate change category which i will focus on in some of my later blogs. I will look specifically at how changes in climate effect certain weather patterns such as Hurricanes and Ocean currents.

Tasks for the classroom:

This was a difficult one as although i find the oceans quite enthralling due to the vast size of them and their influence on the world trying to find exciting tasks which will enhance learning has not been easy. As my next topic about the oceans is about the shutdown of the THC i might set them a task to research the effects of this might be on the world.

Random facts:

- 90% of all volcanic activity occurs in the oceans.
- The speed of sound in water is 1,435 m/sec - nearly five times faster than the speed of sound in air.
- Less than 10% of our oceans have been explored by humans
- Mt Everest is more than 1 mile shorter than the deepest part of the ocean. Challenger Deep is 6.86 miles deep.


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  2. warming ("good" no longer spend cold)... the discharge of pollutants into the air with its greenhouse effect is melting the Poles. This large amount of freshwater to the ocean could stop deep sea currents which depend on a delicate balance between fresh and salty water and temperatures. Heat from the Sun reaches the equator and currents distribute it throughout the Planet, then...goodbye to our warm climate. The horizontal oceanic currents produced by winds and some others by the rotation of the Earth, rotating all by the Coriolis effect, will continue...but the vertical currents produced by the sinking of horizontal currents of dense salty water that reaches the Poles where the water is sweeter, less salty, and form deep currents would stop (why are the Grand Banks fishing in cold latitudes?...because over there is the polar ice, freshwater, different sweet/salty density, salty dense water arriving and sinks in a little salty water environment, nutrients that are removed from the bottom and rise to the surface, phytoplankton that feed on nutrients, zooplankton that feed on phytoplankton, fish that feed on zooplankton)... No polar ice over there will be no vertical currents...could reduce the rise of nutrients to the surface and therefore PHYTOPLANKTON SHORTAGE MAY DECREASING ITS VITAL CONTRIBUTION WITH OXYGEN TO THE ATMOSPHERE (90 %) in some places of more warm latitudes carry out the surface hot water permitting the outcropping to surface of water and plankton (the upwelling) from the bottom cold current coming from the Pole, forming other Banks fishing... Without polar ice the sea it could almost stratified into horizontal layers with little energetic movement of water masses in vertical which is what removes fertilizer nutrients from the sea bottom... Besides lowering salinity of the sea, for that great contribution with freshwater to melt the Poles, will increase evaporation (ebullioscopy: the less salt has, more evaporates) producing gigantic storm clouds as have never seen, that together with altering of the ocean currents, could cool areas of the Planet causing a new ice age... Warming...invasion of tropical diseases carried by their transfer agents, already without the "general winter" containing them would fall upon the Worls like a plague... can produce a cooling, a new ice age, like living at the North Pole...and less oxygen in the Atmosphere... Is not known to be worse... Go choosing.

  3. Meanwhile the World looks to elsewhere... Giant HORNETS...are threatening to all is necessary that the human beings, instead of destroy among them, destroy to those dangerous insects of huge exponential growing...seriously beginning already, at present.

  4. ...3D Bioprinting-Immortality (biological timers)... Forever young with modified Biological Timers...which are the biological timers?, where are them? (genes, hypothalamus...), how functioning them?, how can modify them (telomerase...) for maintenance the hormones production, enzymes, cellular regeneration...all Eternity at same level of the 18 years old?... have to accelerate research about Memory and the Space´s Colonization... Immortality comes...

  5. Nobel Prize physiology 2017...about biological timers...

  6. Nobel Prize physiology 2017 about circadian rhythms, but... Biological Timers...ordering stop growth at finish of adolescence...ordering start to grow-old at beginning of adulthood...

  7. ...interstellar travel constant acceleration (Earth Day)... PLANETARY EMERGENCY: global warming due to pouring pollutants greenhouse effect into the air...the generalized burn fossil fuels it must stop immediately. Car´s Factories: is inadmissible design dirty new cars with internal combustion, have to make and buy Solar Energy clean electric cars. Stop F1, welcome EF. Eliminate the cattle and natural meat how food. Leave Carbon and Petroleum for nonflammable uses. There are huge quantities of Methane also in sediments of oceanic bottoms how solid methane-hydrates, waiting... Methane Big Greenhouse Effect... Over there is visible, Lakes on polar areas already are releasing from bottom to surface big methane bubbles... Permafrost is Melting...when all that methane passing to Atmosphere... We receive vague communiqués... What can we do for avoid the future catastrophe on Earth?. Have to cooling the Planet again urgently, and do not thinking more Wars. Humankind must surmount its technological adolescence and go the stars.

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  10. ...interstellar travel constant acceleration (Erika Fani: heroine concordia)... cruise-ship "Costa Concordia", wreck: from the heroic crew who stayed to the rescue of passengers, remember that Young Heroine with 25 years of the crew who yielded her life-jacket to an old passenger, the "man" old passenger was salvaged, and not Erika. Remain Immortal forever the memory of that Young Heroine: Honor and Glory Eternals.

  11. ...interstellar travel constant acceleration (without religion "feasts": Inquisition)… when until goes to continue the world the "feasts" of religion enduring?... What a beautiful is the "Christ"mas!, but...that still only has the splendid showcase and after with the back-room of religious gloomy darkness, horror and crime. No more wiles to innocents, make already the authentic Birthmas, the Nativity from the wonderful real women, and not from the inhuman-religious tales. Have to transform already ALL the "feasts" of religion into TRUE HUMAN FESTIVITIES, that not "pagans", nor do "mundane". Have that send already once and for all the religion, what religion, mine, yours, or of those?, all religions: the the trash. Without delinquency, a New World based on Truth and Justice. No more religion for to continue "forever and ever" the religious infecting global media, enterprises (watch cross seeming feign "4 windows" in Windovs10), governments, schools, high schools and universities with their ancestral system buys-wills, if you want have a job, house and a car on the door, already you know put the neck in the priests, with their thousands of millions of "believers": Bought, or Innocents, or Ignorant… No more religious tale Time counting false "century XXI, year 2019 a.c."... A Planetary Convention to select the True Starting of the History...if from beginning of the Bronze Ages: on Earth Planet, century 66... Merry Birthmas and Happy New Year 6519.

  12. ...interstellar travel constant acceleration (without suffering)... in the Brazil of the "Ordem e Progresso" the "children of the street" abandoned such as if they were countries of Orient as Lebanon, children almost babies thrown away on the ground together with an adult begging alms, already from their more tender infancy they get accustomed to look the World from down and suffering...children dying of cold into refugee camps in countries with endless religion´s wars...and meanwhile shameless multireligious-pontifices in their golden palaces eating partridges, and well sheltered with the best wool in the best blankets made in England, the best boots...and not fall down their faces of shame when they look to themselves in the mirror... How they can have $50,000 million in the Bank, living on a golden skyscraper and to be dedicated to want build a barrier-wall, instead of to be dedicated to saving to all those who they can?... Off with religion, off with monarchies and off with politicians shameless.

  13. (2)...interstellar travel constant acceleration (without suffering)... in that Brazil of the miserable ones, they say that for "to clean" the streets for the World Football Championship,,,the polic,,,assassi,,,childr,,, (someone of those majors children is capable of to kill for robbing the shoes, but the vermin are who governs and convert them in that). And FIFA "get to knew nothing", they would must to have done suspend the damned World Championship and to observe 1 minute of silence for those innocents "swept away" from the streets and from the life... Can watch in photographs to two little girls begging alms, the tender creatures are joined for mutual helping to carry their solitude and abandonment... When the night goes down, where go they?...have searched instinctively, such as all living beings, a place for take refuge...the place of the darkness, the place of the distance, the place of the fear, the place of the rats present over there day another day, one night another night... Where is that "God"?, in the homovices ceilings of the Vatic ano. Where the hope?, where the tenderness?, where the education? none part. Others ones, carry glue to them for inhaling and forgetting and for dying.

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  15. CO2 + UV laser = C + O2... 3d bioprinting = Immortality = go to stars ((typewrite: interstellar travel constant acceleration))

  16. ...interstellar travel constant acceleration (Chiquitita the stars are shining for you over there in the high)… Today there is not any song, crying bitter tears for the Chiquitita from Mexico who never more will return to sing, she was shut up forever of the more inhuman mode by the coward feminicidal "machismo", in reality those coward assassins are not males, they are homovices who although have the strength of men, they are not men (only the homovices, TV propagation, hate to women, libro homovicio "La últ muj de Austrl", the last Australia´s woman, the homovices want make a world without women for "substitute to women", damned-homovices-dirty-repugnant-wretched-sterile-ill-vicious-mistaken). Politicians hypocrite politicians continuously doing damn´s concentrations to the coward feminicides perpetrated by the homovices, that "damn" DON´T IS USEFUL FOR NOTHING, as can see, the unique that is useful is the FEAR of Death Penalty, and all other are tales. The "civilized" politicians, guided by the religious Inquisition all credos "leaders" of the horror, they prefer that assassinating three thousand five hundred millions of women before call to Referendum and that being the People who decides applying to the feminicidal, a road-roller starting by the feet, only have that announce it and finished the cowards feminicides committed by the homovices. The horror against women will stop someday. Chiquitita las estrellas brillan por ti allá en lo alto.

  17. ...3d bioprinting-Immortality (telomeres biological timers: reverse aging)... old age short telomere, Youth Long Telomere...ON... Immortality, here we go...goooooo!... modifying Biological Timers for every birthday to reach 1 less year old in biological age...until arrive to the 18, then come back to reach 1 more until arrive to the 50, then backward again...and so for all Eternity... until arrives an accident: your recorded MEMORY to the new young perfect identical Bioprinted Body and...Immortality...already the accidents do not matter... She discovered that eroded TELOMERES (final part) already do not protect extremes of Chromosomes, followed the correct track of the path initiated by H.J. Muller that will carry to the number 1 aspiration, IMMORTALITY: Dr. Barbara McClintock...Honor and Glory Eternals... Already must have in the Universe one star called Barbara McClintock.

  18. ...interstellar travel constant acceleration (coronavirus: influenza vaccine?)... they say that influenza vaccine diminishes the effects and gravity of COVID-19... so, "while arrives its specific vaccine": EVERYBODYVACCINATIONINFLUENZA (WHO)... ((El Sistema Inmunológico reacciona a la vacuna gripe creando Anticuerpos que dañarán parcialmente el covid19 cuando llegue. Sin vacuna gripe, el coronavirus ataca a sus anchas y el sistema inmunológico puede reaccionar de forma desproporcionada produciendo Gran Inflamación que es lo que mata, por ello tratan con inmunosupresores para evitar en lo posible esa inflamación mortal. Con los Anticuerpos (the dogs) producidos en respuesta a la vacuna gripe el coronavirus (the tiger) atacado y algo debilitado no produce tanta reacción inflamatoria mortal... so, "while arrives its specific vaccine covid19": MASSIVE VACCINATION AGAINST FLU ALREADY (WHO)). Yo me la pongo.

  19. (2)...viaje interestelar aceleración constante (Tierra dentro de 500 M de años)... (Momento lineal = masa x velocidad). (Momento angular = momento lineal x distancia al eje de giro)... (con el paso del tiempo el Sol cada vez a + ºC)... Pero si... ir Alejando Progresivamente la Tierra del Sol para mantenerla siempre dentro de la franja habitable "goldilocks". Ej. Quizás... "cuidadosamente" (cuidado también con la Luna) frenando a un asteroide (book "Doomsday Asteroid") que en su perihelio pase cerca de la Tierra en su misma dirección de rotación alrededor del Sol, pasando al asteroide de orbitar Sol a orbitar Tierra, cada vez que el asteroide pase en su ya perigeo en elíptica órbita cerca y por delante del avance de la Tierra en su traslación le da un leve tirón gravitatorio en su misma dirección de giro alrededor del Sol, aumentando así levemente en cada paso la velocidad de traslación de la Tierra y aumentando su momento angular, también si lentamente con el tiempo el asteroide fuera disminuyendo su radio medio orbital...el momento ang. que pierde lo gana la Tierra (cada vez que un satélite hace la reentrada en la misma dirección de traslación hace lo mismo sumándole su momento angular a la Tierra de forma insignificante por su escasa masa) y la Tierra se alejaría algo del Sol hasta alcanzar su nueva órbita estable acorde con su ya mayor momento angular y así durante millones de años... (Esto podría usarse para detectar exo-planetas que lo hayan hecho, sería señal de Inteligencia)... Los 2 grandes Planetas helados: Urano y Neptuno no se formaron en sus alejadas órbitas del Sol actuales, porque a esa distancia no había "material de construcción" suficiente para formar sus descomunales tamaños. Se formaron más cerca del Sol y después se fueron alejando ganando momento angular hasta sus alejadas órbitas actuales, ¿por qué?... Los 4 estaban más cerca entre sí que hoy... los 2 gigantes Júpiter y Saturno desplazaron gravitacionalmente a los 2 helados hasta donde están hoy.
